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The Familiar gets its first review in the UK!

Review by Kat Reynolds Ilford, UK

Joe Blevins’ The Familiar is a very excellent dark novel. It has suspense, terror and outright horror. The story is extremely scary and very nerve wracking to read.
The cover is awesome.

The pictures in the book are awesome and each tells the story very well. Even if you just look at the pictures first, each one of them tells you the story and what is happening. What great idea that was even if you don’t understand the story: you will with the pictures.

Such a brilliant and superb story and would defiantly recommend to friends and other horror fans. If you would like to buy this novel please do buy at amazon uk or any good retail bookstore .

Amazon United Kingdom adds Kindle to their new formats:

I am pleased to say that the new Kindle formats are spreading to other countries! I have been busy adding pictures to the different formats to let readers have a sample of the book’s interior. SEARCH INSIDE comes next as it take about a month to implement this. The thing is that the Kindle is more affordable as many enjoy having a book offered for less than ten dollars. The Kindle is offered in the US for Seven dollars and some change. It is similar priced in the UK. Frankly I sell more Kindle books than the printed ones. It does not hurt my feelings either way: as long as someone enjoys it! The formatting is reasonable and the fonts are reasonable sized. As an older person sometimes 12 point fonts wears me thin after a while of reading. My hope is that what ever book you read that you will read to someone. My grands read to me before I was five so I could read long before I started school. Over the last 10 years I have worked at several school districts in various reading programs. I found that students made better grades as their reading and confidence in the classroom improved.

The Willia

A ship sails into uncharted waters

Pride Comes Before the Fall

November 20, 1639. Willia still objected to Warren’s

control. She complained like she does to me. I am used to

this because we are friends. He grew tired of her so he raised

his left hand up high. She was raised off the floor until her

head nearly touched the high ceiling of the room. Fire and

lightning flew from his fingertips. Willia quickly died and

she was thrown into the fireplace where she burned with a

terrible fire! An awful smell filled the room. Panic filled my

thoughts. Stephen ran over to Warren because he objected

to his actions. Warren raised his left hand and Stephen was

raised up high and fire flew out of his fingers. Stephen’s body

flew across the room and he too burned in the fireplace! The

fireplace crackled and sparked like dry cedar is burning. I was

scared so I lay prone on the floor humbling myself. I cried

and shuddered with grief. My life would soon be over as far as

anything truly known to me! The longest time passed. Warren

tapped me on the shoulder as I raised my head to look at him.

He smiled as he moved his left index finger back and forth as

he shook his head “No!” Now, I get the message!

Willia sees a bad future for us here!

So there was no more contempt from me! He just wants to deal with me

and no one else at this time. He has my full attention.

“I won’t be trifled with! Do you understand?”

I bowed with humility and said “Yes. You are my new partner to act in their place.”

Warren said, “Very good. But now I am your new master…

not your lowly partner! Know the distinct difference.”

He raises his left hand and fire circles his hand as sparks come from his fingertips. Warren smiles to the point of making a grimace on his face.

“Now, do we fully understand each other?!”

I swallowed hard and nodded my head up and down. “Yes.

I will do as you command.”

My body shook uncontrollably from fear. He holds all the

control. Again I am their puppet on the strings. They pull the strings and I am their fool. Nothing has changed.

Magic has only made me its slave!

For a short time I was in charge of my own life. I wanted

more power and more money thinking that this would bring

me some happiness. This was my fault for my own spirit to

be so bold and proud. Now I see the error of my ways and

nothing can change this to be right again. Now Willia and

Stephen’s ghosts stand in front of the fireplace waiting to

do his bidding. They remind me of an empty turtle shell

by the way they now appear. They look hollow and empty.

Both plead with me to help them be returned to their mortal

bodies. Warren grows tired because they tax his patience, so

he sends them away until he has need of them. He turns to

walk away from me because he is not worried about me. He

can find me when he has need of me.

I went to my room to cry and find some solace to this strange

new situation. Inside my room there are tears for my friends

because we now have no comfort from each other. Our séance

has opened the door to something terrible and now it has a

strong hold on us! They are dead and I am all alone to ponder

my fate and future. I get deeper into trouble like it is a hidden

peat bog. The more I try to fight it, the deeper it gets. There is no

way to escape this strange warlock but to heed his words or soon

perish. Warren’s magic has the power of many fiery demons and

my magic is like a candle that can be easily snuffed out.

Something FAMILIAR about this:

PROLOGUE  The Familiar

Often fate deals us a tough hand and desperation puts a

person in a place where they never thought they’d be. This

is the story of the hardships and adventures of one such man

who lived in the New World at the beginning of the 17th

century. His wife left him after his failed attempts to be a

tobacco and corn planter. He loses everything but his land.

He trades his land in New Haarlem for two horses and moves

to the Salem settlement for a better life.

He finds himself in Salem during 1637, in the middle

of a witch hunt started by a basic jealously between two

women over the attention of a rich young man. He drinks

to excess and gambles away what little he has. The man soon

begins sleeping in a cemetery. Like many people, he suffers

the consequences of all his bad choices.

The cemetery proprietor offers him a job digging graves. A

woman named Willia buries her brother Stephen. The grave

digger falls over from hunger so Willia takes him in. Little

does he know she is a practicing witch with sinister plans for

him! He is to take goods from the dead he buries for her to

use in spells and enchantments. A small group of odd witches,

conjurers, and mediums drug the man and make him their

slave. When he is found drunk in possession of stolen jewelry

from a grave, he is sentenced to be hung. The witches give

him a strange potion that mimics death and the authorities

bury him thinking he is already dead. The lunar eclipse passes

and he emerges from the grave in the form of a large cat that

changes into the form of a man during the full moon. His

powers allow him to be charming and gamble to control

others with a “second-sight” ability he lacked before. He can

change to many forms of beast when his life is threatened. He

can see what scares someone and uses that against them.

The tables have turned. Now the man calls himself Winston Wallace as an alias.

He has the power he has sought in the past. The question is how to best use this new power?

New Amsterdam is a place where a person can make a new life and change their fate.

Lunar eclipse

The Séance

The Séance

November 15, 1639. A few weeks of rain kept us in tight

quarters where we were in each other’s way. Willia has the

idea to invite some others like us to join us until the Vernal

Equinox in the springtime. The sun sets so the candles are lit

to burn bright and the big book of enchantments is brought

out with great pomp and ceremony. We wear our nicest clothes

to dress like we are about to visit royalty. Willia turned the

Book of Spells to the pages where the spell calls out for people

who died in a tragic way. She calls out what she needs to know

and cuts herself. By itself, the book opens and turns to the

page she needs. She called the spell “Providi Interim.” Willia

touched the right corner with her cut finger. Many animals

are sacrificed and some most terrible words are spoken that

made me most fearful for the first time in memory. Willia

continued on with her spells and chants. We held hands to

complete the circle as the rest of the spell was now finished.

We are to drink the blood of the sacrificed animals like it was

a fine wine. Some wine was then poured into the goblet to

make it more palatable. Willia poured some of the blood from

a large silver goblet to make a full circle of blood on the floor

we sat. Willia closed the enchanted book and hid it away in

her cedar closet. Lightning crashed down as much rain fell.

The house we stayed in shuddered and creaked as the storm

tried its hardest to destroy us all. Part of the roof then blew

off . Rain poured in one corner of the room. We continued

on and a sudden stillness came. All the doors and windows

came open at once. Strange visitors of all sorts entered our

presence through these open doors and windows. One was a

walking skeleton that whistled as it walked in with a rough

cane to steady itself! It was missing the left arm altogether.

This whole thing was battered and broken and barely held

together! It rattled as it walked and its eyes looked to be

glassy like a dazed mad person. This made our hair stand on

end as it neared us. I stepped back to give a wide berth to

this creature. This is evil and nothing good will come from

this person! Willia could not call it back from where it came

because it made lightning strike close to the house. It pointed

its right hand and its walking stick at the different compass

directions. Then it waved the walking stick about as if it was

stirring the air like a windmill.

Odd spirits followed close to it since it looked to be the

leader of the group. These spirits stood in a circle walking

around him. These joined hands to unite their powers as one

entity. They praise him in strange words to try to glorify him

as their leader. I felt sick but there was no way to leave the

room or avoid their near presence. I tried to move away but

the skeleton barred my path with that long walking stick. Its

eyes glowed green and then red like coals in a fire. It shook

its head “no!” then opened its jaw to speak and it became

unhinged to hang solely on the right side. It cocked its skull

to one side as it pushed the jaw back in place until it locked.

Th en it gestured with its right arm and waved the walking

cane up high in a circular motion. What have we done to

open the door to this one?

The skeleton said some chant words and glowed white,

then yellow, orange to red as a thick fog comes all around

it. The fog clears up directly as the skeleton emerges to walk

across the room as it fleshes out with new muscle and sinew.

It was now easier to look upon the boney figure since it has

now taken an outward form of a complete man! The left arm

is now quickly restored whole in the process. He put on some

of Stephen’s clothes that were laid out to make him look more

acceptable and more distinguished. Stephen usually minded

when I raided his wardrobe. I almost laughed because I was

so scared and foolish. Tonight Stephen was silent for a change!

Stress left me wanting to change my thoughts to something

more jovial to escape what has just been witnessed on this

terrible night. I need a strong drink really bad!

The restored man now spoke in a bold voice for the majority

of the visiting guests. He told us he is a great warlock and that

he is the leader of this group of oddities! We have no say in

this. It all seemed to be true like a bad dream I could not wake

from. One particular spirit looked like an ancient Pequot

warrior. Five “trolls” in red cloaks covered their faces so we

could not fully look upon them because they are so wicked.

These fretted about being quite impatient in our presence. We

felt humbled by all these new creatures who made the witches

at Salem look to be quite normal folks!

We have just opened the door to some entities that made

us pale in comparison! Our magic will look like cheap parlor

tricks compared to any of these. We trembled in great fear to

see such a weakness in our own powers. Willia told Stephen

and I to stand up to them to protect her. We tried and they

pushed us back down to the floor to kick and poke us. We lay

on the floor and trembled to the point of being in a state of

absence from our own bodies. They circled around us to mock

us. They walked around and chattered nonstop to provoke

us for the longest time. We stayed put for fear of our quick

demise. These strangers gathered up some of the sacrificed

animals and ate their hearts and livers. They all laughed at

us for being in a defenseless state. Some are bold enough to

urinate on us! Laughter filled the room while we trembled.

They all made themselves at home in our house to eat and

drink to consume what they wanted.

The rest of them pushed us out into the raging storm. We

were in peril to drown in the steady downpour. Then some of

these left to go out into the barn. They took liberties to the

point that they killed a few of our best horses just for sport!

We heard the horses make terrible cries as they perished. We

trembled fearing that we were next to face death. Some others

devoured the horses raw like they were slain cattle. The rain

revived us back into our senses so we risked getting out of the

tempest to go back inside. It was far different from just an hour

ago! Inside the house was now quite dry and warm with a stout

fi re and candles burning bright. The warlock has changed all

the rooms around to suit his personal taste. His magic must be

strong to do all these things and control so many supernatural

beings. These odd “people” then acted more like some polite

visitors once they quenched their urgent hunger and thirst.

They now treated us like “guests” in our own house.

The fleshed-out skeleton finally told us his name.

“I am Sir Christopher Warren, a member of the Roanoke


Willia, Stephen and I looked at each other trying to make full

sense of it all. I have heard that these people had all been lost to

tragedy. He said that he is a true warlock in league with Lucifer!

What have we really accomplished when we opened the way for

this fierce creature to enter?! His terrible story told of the loss of

the original settlement of English prisoners and land owners.

“Precious and haughty land owners, who mostly treated

the paltry prisoners like a simple rabble of galley slaves…”

His words were almost laughable as he rambled on to gain

our vain sympathy! We acted like we were interested and

listened intently as the strangers did. Fear does strange things to

a person. Willia, Stephen and I stood to bow in respect to him.

The other oddities also bowed in respect to him, except for a

single cloaked creature which waved its arms as it threatened us

all with a strange rant. We finally saw its face as it pulled back

its hood. It was a short creature of some kind with a grotesque

face that was most difficult to look upon! This threat to the

warlock challenged his full authority over us all. Warren called

him a “troll” to make him settle down. The once skeletal figure

pointed his new left arm as fire erupted from his fingertips! The

red-cloaked troll burned up on the spot. It fell over in some

great pain. The room smelled most terrible.

“Does anyone else have a problem with my leadership?!”

The warlock waved his arms. All the windows and doors

quickly came open as the troll was whisked away by the

wind. We stood fast as the wind pushed it outside along

with its awful stench. It finished being totally consumed by

fi re despite the heavy rain falling upon him! We are all quite

humbled so he has our undivided attention. All of them

bowed again as we laid prone on the floor in fear. He told

us all to bow. We do then we stand and join hands to make

the spell to make him immortal complete as he spoke more

strange words. There is no stopping him except to suffer

loss to all involved with nothing gained. We stood fast and

listened. Nothing else made sense.

Now we too take notice of his main cause to be here: “Aboard

your ship, the Willia is the Book of Spells. I need this item so

these demons can all begin to renew themselves to look like

normal people. These demons will be youthful in appearance,

so they can wander among men to do their terrible deeds!”

This scared us terribly so we are more than anxious to keep

the Book of Spells out of their hands. Willia, Stephen and I

gave the appearance that we will fully comply with him. It

was tempting to catch him off guard and try something to

stop him. The idea quickly left me as I remembered the foolish

visitor who threatened him earlier. The room still reeked from

this event. This sickened us more because we feared our fate

at the hands of this warlock. A prisoner often has no hope but

for a swift death. His rant was just as terrible.

“The settlers were weakened by hunger and internal strife.

Then nature took its turn with disease and attacks from some

native people who were poisoned by some tainted ale traded

to them. They took revenge by killing many people who they

felt had terribly betrayed them. Several tribes of fierce natives

took the rest of the Roanoke settlers in payment as slaves to

replace those of their tribe that died and were blinded by the

barrel of poisoned ale.”

The other odd visitors laughed at Warren’s statements. We

did not say a thing fearing his terrible retribution. Warren

threw down an oil lamp and a lit candlestick. In doing so

the circle of blood burned around us all. The others stopped

laughing as this is now a serious deal. Stephen is startled so

he quickly moves away from the circle. Warren motioned him

to stand still and rejoin hands to continue the séance since

it is almost midnight. Willia continued to read more of the

spell from the Providi Interum page from the Book of Spells

as Warren sat down and joined hands with us. Our left hands

were placed one on top of the others. The other strange visitors

stood in a bigger circle around us, holding hands. We can’t

touch them because they have no real mortal bodies. Touching

death would make our own bodies suffer some loss.

Lightning continues as the others around us begin to spin

around faster and faster. They join together into one form as

they turn into a dark whirlwind. They enter into Warren’s

head which has become like an open funnel at the crown.

They all rapidly entered into his head as it quickly closed back

up like it should be. Warren’s eyes grew dark as coal then

turned red like the sunset. He held our hands so tight that

he broke some bones in them! We went down to our knees in

pain but we could not get free of Warren’s grip. He said some

odd words and our bodies are instantly restored.

The storm passed and the clouds subsided until the stars

came out. All the doors and windows shut by some magical

gestures. We trembled. Willia finally spoke to have Warren

let us go. He smiled big and laughed in a terrible way that

sounded like a crowd of people talking all at once. He said

some words of enchantment as they withdrew their vice-like

hold on us. This is troublesome as it has been a long time since

someone tried to humble us to be still and respectful. We have

become so haughty that no one stopped us from our desires.

Now this creature forces us to do its bidding as it wills. To

fight his control would be futile at this time.

We promised to find out what happened to the Book of

Spells that was aboard the Willia. Warren then told us that

their Book of Spells was found when a sailor discovered their

long ship washed far inland by the wake of a hurricane that

came to the early Roanoke settlement. It was traded through

many hands at quite a high price for almost two decades. The

Roanoke’s story is that they soon banded together to move to

a safer place as the storm blew in. It was to no avail because

the storm made a wake so large that it pushed their boat

twelve miles inland! This was so far that it was stranded as

the water receded. Mosquitoes, leeches, and illness overcame

them all and they soon died from exposure to the elements.

They had read out many spells to be spared. They were all

revived in some odd way and spared from the hurricane for

three full days. Then they quickly died. So now their debt to

the demons has to be paid! The Devil promised them life, for

the use of their souls. They reluctantly agreed but it was not

stated how long their new life would be! We all have found

ourselves in the Devil’s debt as his promises are shallow at best.

Satan gave enough time to follow through on his contract.

Just a few stressful days and that was all. Warren unrolls some

parchment for us to sign. It is in a language that none of us can

speak, yet we will be forced to sign or be destroyed! Now we

signed away our soul in our own blood! I now regret signing

a contract for my own new life. My own contract with the

Devil may be just as fickle. I signed to maintain a strong body

when my own failed. My common sense also failed to foresee

all the trouble I have now.

The last hurricane stirred things up again. Since then the

lunar eclipse forced these spirits to become restless. All of their

allies feel able to be free again. Spells bind their travel here to

unite some terrible powers over us. They are to rein us in to do

all their bidding since they have no physical bodies. Now these

lost souls hold us under their full control with much remorse on

my part. I always act long before I think it all the way through.

There are better ways to deal with things but my chosen road is

always the bumpy one that goes abruptly over the cliff side.

The Familiar:an introduction.


A larger coven of witches comes to Salem for the first full lunar eclipse of the winter solstice in over three hundred seventy four years. They drug the man to make him their slave. When he is found drunk in possession stolen jewelry from a grave, he is sentenced to be hung. The witches give him a strange potion that mimics death. The authorities bury him thinking he is already dead. The rare lunar eclipse during the winter solstice passes. He emerges from the grave a changed: now he is in the form of a large cat that changes into the form of a man during the full moon. His powers allow him to be charming and gamble to control others with a “second-sight” ability he lacked before. He can change to many forms of beast when his life is threatened. He can see what scares someone the most to use that against them. He takes the name Winston Rupert Wallace. Winston uses his new powers to build great wealth to become an entrepreneur who controls a big part of New Amsterdam.A coven of witches in Salem

The Familiar: sample

I felt they’re all in league to get at me to consume my mortal body.  My heart started back at a frantic rate.  My mind raced.  Breath fully entered back into my lungs.  There was a feeling inside of a great stirring, like a moth after being in a cocoon. A strange, amber light filled the ground around us. I could fully see in what should be some total darkness around me!

A thick mist followed. I emerged abruptly from the grave.  I felt different in some way. I sought to drink from a pool of water to quench my terrible thirst. All around me looked to be red colored like my sight was strange! The waxing moon lit the night as the eclipse receded. It was almost like seeing the daylight passing through an amber bottle. All around my head the crescent moon glowed in the reflection of the pool.  I saw a face that no longer looked or felt like a normal man! My form was that of some kind of strange animal! I have become a large cat of some sort! I saw my arms and legs extended in a most fearful way. I pushed the dirt away from me to shake off the clods that still clung to me.  I made a terrible sound that was not my own voice.  The air was rich after being buried in a small space.  Many strange smells occurred to me here. The sound here was deafening.  More animals continued to crowd the cemetery to attack me.  I made more loud sounds that mimicked a vicious wild animal. This new form scared away all the terrible animals waiting to get at me!  On seeing me, they hurried away leaving a cloud of dust close to the ground.

Familiar cover

Winston sees his reflection in a pool of water. He is terrified in what he sees.

The Familar: A Gothic Tale of Terror!

The Familiar photo 1

Cold winter and summer mist

Rainbows dance on trees with leaves

As I lie down softly

The gentle breeze fills my soul.

I am free to go

As the wind blows.

From: The Familiar

Two rainbows

Dancing rainbows